1 min readProtests erupt in #Ardabil following the crackdown at Shahed High SchoolOct. 15th, 2022Protests erupt in #Ardabil following the crackdown at Shahed High School. The Islamic regime forces entered the school, arrested at least 7, and killed 1.#IranProtests#MahsaAmini#IranRevolution#OpIranhttps://twitter.com/IranProtestsCom/status/1581306303921926145?t=BVJsl0yZpbQKxOUTxxDbBg&s=35
Oct. 15th, 2022Protests erupt in #Ardabil following the crackdown at Shahed High School. The Islamic regime forces entered the school, arrested at least 7, and killed 1.#IranProtests#MahsaAmini#IranRevolution#OpIranhttps://twitter.com/IranProtestsCom/status/1581306303921926145?t=BVJsl0yZpbQKxOUTxxDbBg&s=35