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Mashallah Karami was sentenced to six years of penal servitude

Ali Sharifzadeh Ardakani, the lawyer for Mashallah Karami, provided an update on his client's case: "Branch 2 of the Karaj Revolutionary Court sentenced Mr. Karami to a total of six years in prison: five years for assembly and collusion, and one year for propaganda against the regime."

He added, "We have appealed the ruling, and the case has been referred to Branch 12 of the Alborz Court of Appeal for review, but the outcome is still pending. All parties' lawyers have requested an in-person session with the court."

Sharifzadeh emphasized, "The charges against Mr. Karami do not align with his actions, and the elements of the crime are not met. Mr. Karami has been in prison since last August and has fallen ill. We hope the court will review his case positively and issue an acquittal."

He also revealed that the Revolutionary Court ordered the seizure of Karami's assets, including a house in Takab and a Dena car, claiming they were used in the commission of the crime. "These assets had no role in the charges of assembly, collusion, and propaganda," he said.

"There is a related case in Branch 102 of the Criminal Court for illicit gain and money laundering. Although the hearing was held in April, the decision has not been announced. Therefore, the Revolutionary Court's ruling is inconsistent with the law, and we hope the court of Appeal will consider this."

Sharifzadeh clarified that the assets were purchased through charitable donations to Karami, who worked as a laborer, and that they were gifts from well-wishers.

Currently, Karami has a sick child and a wife who is also suffering from illness.



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