God, King (Shah), Motherland
Protesters chant against the Islamic Republic
People demonstrate against the Islamic Republic
People chant against the Islamic Republic on their roofs
Chant against the Islamic Republic
Brave women in Iran write against the Islamic Republic
Women are chanting against the Islamic Republic in subway stations
The ceremony of the 40th day of murder of Ali Rouzbehani who was killed in Tehran
Women stage a protest rally against the Islamic Republic
Iran Protests
Anti-regime protesters in the city of Khash
Students strike and protest against the Islamic regime
Writing anti-regime slogans for billboards
School students staged a protest rally against the Islamic Republic
People chant against the Islamic Republic
Students strike against arresting their classmates and professors
Labor strike in Isfahan’s Steel Company—Iran’s third largest steel producer
Anti-regime protests in Tehran
Sanandaj, Zahedan, the apple of Iran’s eyes
“Death to the dictator”