The pensioner teachers staged a rally in front of the Ministry of Education
In Karaj, protests go on and people chant against the Islamic Republic on their roofs
I’ll kill the one who killed my brother
Death to Khamenei
Death to the dictator
Iran Protests
Anti-regime protesters taking to the streets
So many years of atrocities, Down with the theocratic regime
Anti-regime protesters in the city of Mashhad
Iranians protest against the Islamic Republic
Anti-regime protestors in Bukan
Islamic anti-riot forces using illicit drugs
Death to Khamenei, to hell with Khomeini
Iranian truckers strike continues
Iran Protests
Anti-regime protesters in the city of Khash
Students strike and protest against the Islamic regime
Writing anti-regime slogans for billboards
Labor strike in Isfahan’s Steel Company—Iran’s third largest steel producer
Anti-regime protests in Tehran